Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Person Behind the Computer..

Hello and welcome to my newly formed blog. My first post will be about me and then from there you will be able to learn (hopefully) all you can about the animals you love. My plan for this blog is to answer your questions and help you, the pet owner, learn as much as you can about your dog or cat. BUT, to start I figured you would want to know the person behind the computer, am I right? If so, continue reading. If not, completely ignore the next few paragraphs in this blog...

I am an Registered Veterinary Technician at Tenth Street Animal Hospital (hence the name of the blog). I have wanted to be in the "animal world" for as long as I can remember. This sounds cliche but it's true. To be honest, I wanted to be a veterinarian but the schooling for that took wayyy to long. The next best thing? Veterinary Technician! 

I attended Central Carolina Community College in Sanford, NC (about 30 minutes past Raleigh). The program there is a 2 year program with assigned classes per semester. Each and every student receives hands on training as well as assisting in surgery and radiography. I won't gush about the teachers to much, but the teachers there ARE AMAZING. Each and every one of them definitely has your best interest in mind and will help you any way they can. I also made great friends as well throughout the program.

After the program I came back home and job availability was pretty good. I got a job right out of school. I have since then found my way to Tenth Street Animal Hospital. 

People always ask me what my favorite part of the job is; it was even an interview question! I answer the same every time. Growing with the first time pet owners and watching them succeed in caring and treating for their pet. There are several things I love about this job, and could write a book alone with stories and experiences that have contributed to my love for what I do. 

Stick with me through my journey as an RVT (Registered Veterinary Technician), as I hope to educate and entertain you in everything animal!

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